Good Drought?

So we all complain about climate change and all the negative aspects about it.  As a practical environmentalist, I in particular see lots of negatives to environmental degradation but sometimes there is good even to drought…

At least the families of these WWII soldiers get to properly bury the remains of their loved ones.  They probably would have not been found had it not been for the drought as the plane is estimated to have crashed into the river in January of 1945.

Good of the People?

So what do you do when the tourists from other countries are complaining about a specific tourist group – in this case the Chinese?  Well in Switzerland apparently you do something rather unorthodox and slightly insulting and create a special train just for them…

I rather find this whole scenario economically impractical and morally insulting.  So you are a tourist spot which is trying to attract more Chinese people through advertisement campaigns and decide because other tourists have complained about some Chinese tourists being loud, rude, obnoxious, and spitting on the trains, you are going to isolate them…  The separate train must cost you more money than you currently are spending to run the transportation system, you must employ more people to “keep the train cleaner,” and how are you going to be able to tell who is a Chinese tourist from China versus the Chinese looking tourists from Canada, the U.S., etc.?

Frankly it looks like you are in for one hell of a discrimination law suit.  As an ABC I sure as hell do not want to end up on a train with people who are apparently spitting and being rude to others.  As a human being, I think it is morally wrong to single out an entire group for something that a handful of people are doing.  Wouldn’t it be more educational and preventative for all involved to have a Chinese speaking translator instruct the Chinese tour groups to not participate in bad behavior?

While I understand according to the article that there are “netzins” complaining about the unfairness and how the Swiss should be excited for Chinese tourists dollars, I am also in agreement with the other unfortunate tourists who are stuck with bad behavior.  Seriously, if you are not a rude, obnoxious, and spitting tourist then for Christ sake go and educate those who are.  Nobody should be discriminated against and nobody should exhibit poor manners either.

I find it interesting  that some people band together in mass unthink when supposedly a “foreigner” attacks someone recognized as “a Chinese national.”  It happened to me in Shanghai this past trip where some rude guy who decided to sit down in a spot I saved for a friend.

When I told the guy that he could sit there until my friend came, he started yelling at me and raised his arm.  I thought he was going to slap me so after he finished his tirade – well maybe he didn’t finish and I just cut him off.  Anyhow, he made the following points:

1) China does not have a reservation policy,

2) I was in China and should act more “Chinese,”

3) I was being rude because I would not let him sit,

4) My friend can just sit somewhere else,

5) Look the foreigner is attacking me – “look this foreigner is trying to tell me what to do on Chinese soil,” rough translation.

My counter to the ass who sat down in my saved seat – while his wife(?) and child (?) were standing around eating – not sure if they were his family but they all left together at the end when I refused to back down; it was weird, he ordered them to leave – was the following:

1) Many people in China reserve and wait on line for hours for a table,

2) Most Chinese people I know and associate with are well mannered unlike him,

3) I was being reasonable because I already told him that he could stay until my friend showed up,

4) You are rude in any culture and country no matter in America or China, and

5) If you dare hit me, I will hit you back.

Basically after this conversation, I realized that I have way too much personality for a native Chinese person and that if nothing else, that should distinguish me from a local – whether good or bad that remains to be seen.  However, I refuse to be smacked, slapped, or hit in any way from any guy, so there certainly was no way it was going to happen in China from a rude seat stealing guy while I was conscious.

Revisit Plastic Surgery and Brains

What can I say – seem to have this conversation every time someone falls in love and/or insists on romance and looks over substance.  Frankenstein versus Brains and Plastic Surgery.

I am always willing to date someone who is intelligent versus someone who is just pretty because I cannot grow a brain and implant that into someone who is physically attractive.  Frankly, only those who are not intelligent need to be physically amazing as they usually have nothing else to offer.

Would someone who is physically active and intelligent would be lovely as to decrease the number of health issues?  Yes, but not a requirement because I can hire a physical trainer and plastic surgeon to “fix” physical appearances but I cannot grow a new brain with all the characteristics that I wanted.

Am I skeptical about love? Yes.  Do I think that most people have some sort of parasitic relationship with each other? Yes.  Do I think that there are some people who have amazing symbiotic relationships? Yes, but they are few and far between.

It does not help that I need to read about legal cases at the Supreme Court level in multiple countries which refer to bridal prices and marriage cruelty divorces.

In Uganda, the Supreme Court has ruled that forcing women to return the “bride price” in divorce circumstances are unconstitutional.  Therefore, women can divorce without having to skimp and save in advance.  My questions is that if the bridal price is generally given to the wife’s family, why are the women responsible for returning it and not the family?

Uganda bride price refund outlawed by top judges

In India, there are Supreme Court cases where Indian Men have sought Divorce Through Marriage Cruelty Laws.  Some of the Indian men have gone to the Indian Supreme Court with the following reasons: 1) Party Pooper, 2) Too Much Sex, 3) Refusal to Serve his Friends Chai, 4) Wife has an Acne Problem, and 5) the Husband disapproves of his wife wearing pants…

Party girls and too much sex: Why some Indian men seek divorce

So why should I have faith in romance and marriages?

Migrant Hoax – Instagram

While I applaud the idea that the photography festival tried to make people realize that they may treat other human beings like trash, I do not like the method which is another internet hoax.

Do you really need to lie to someone to make them understand that treating someone like crap is bad? Did those people happen to miss the first year of kindergarten or first grade? If you want to claim that they were raised poorly, then maybe but for the most part the site garnered many followers, press, and did not really accomplish much.

Unless a majority of those 8000 followers turn up at the photography festival or somehow contribute to the migrant movement, the project turns into a total fail…

Certainly the following quote on the instagram account associated with this hoax instgram account missed its mark, “”FED UP WITH ALL YOU MILLIONS OF PEOPLE TRYING TO GET HERE, THERE IS NO PLACE FOR YOU HERE AND NO WORK, NO DREAM.”

Another comment on the instagram account while not as negative also missed its mark if nothing is done to improve the migrant situation – “Good luck bro, I wish u the best” and “may God make it easy for you.”

Seriously? The whole point is that the migrants are leaving because their quality of life and economic situation is so terrible that they are willing to run away from everything they know for a better life.  People are so miserable they are willing to die a horrible death of suffocation, while stuffed in a suitcase like a pack of sardines, and the sweltering heat at border checkpoints…

Your comment of well wishes does not help them or you for that matter as your taxes go to social services for everyone – including migrants who are caught and detained or hurt and need to visit an emergency room…

Reality? Not…

So a friend of mine a long time ago was making fun of me for liking Dance Moms, So You Think You Can Dance, and the MTV Dance Crew shows.  Basically he told me that I might as well have watched The Next Step which I had no idea what he was talking about.  Lo and behold on hulu one random night, I found the show he was talking about.

So you might think that the show would have been a reality tv fail as the dancers do not seem real.  If you have ever seen a dance competition or a dance production of any sort, you would realize that some of the people on the show may dance for the episodes but they are not really trained dancers – no muscles and tone.

Now I get to tell him, “I told you so,” the next time I see him because I was right.  My favorite part of the description of the show is that it was produced in a “reality tv style.”