Migrant Hoax – Instagram

While I applaud the idea that the photography festival tried to make people realize that they may treat other human beings like trash, I do not like the method which is another internet hoax.

Do you really need to lie to someone to make them understand that treating someone like crap is bad? Did those people happen to miss the first year of kindergarten or first grade? If you want to claim that they were raised poorly, then maybe but for the most part the site garnered many followers, press, and did not really accomplish much.

Unless a majority of those 8000 followers turn up at the photography festival or somehow contribute to the migrant movement, the project turns into a total fail…

Certainly the following quote on the instagram account associated with this hoax instgram account missed its mark, “”FED UP WITH ALL YOU MILLIONS OF PEOPLE TRYING TO GET HERE, THERE IS NO PLACE FOR YOU HERE AND NO WORK, NO DREAM.”

Another comment on the instagram account while not as negative also missed its mark if nothing is done to improve the migrant situation – “Good luck bro, I wish u the best” and “may God make it easy for you.”

Seriously? The whole point is that the migrants are leaving because their quality of life and economic situation is so terrible that they are willing to run away from everything they know for a better life.  People are so miserable they are willing to die a horrible death of suffocation, while stuffed in a suitcase like a pack of sardines, and the sweltering heat at border checkpoints…  http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-33760967

Your comment of well wishes does not help them or you for that matter as your taxes go to social services for everyone – including migrants who are caught and detained or hurt and need to visit an emergency room…  http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-33764636