Legal Trivia Game – Fact or Fiction?

These articles remind me of this awesome trivia game which is all based on outdated laws in the U.S.  The basis of the game is to laugh at the laws that we now find irrational and guess which state and what law was still on the books.

Many states in the past had co-habitation laws which prevented different sexes from living under the same roof because of our puritan values.  The fines were steep if you consider the fact that most of these laws were passed in states from the 1800-1870s.  This was a big deal in North Carolina a few years ago when the statutes were repealed but did not know that Florida, Michigan, and Mississippi laws were still on the books.

Unwed couples in Florida can now legally live together –

Current Mood: Happy that torts and interesting law cases are making the news.  Makes teaching American law more entertaining.  Now if I can only get the students to read and watch the news clips I send them on qq group.