COP 21 – Bust?

While I am disappointed in the lack of urgency regarding climate change policies leading up to COP21 in Paris, the reaction is understandable as most people believe that climate change and energy efficiency  policies are economically costly.  Although people believe quite a bit of hair-brained ideas and such from the disinformation superhighway, the climate change myths are probably the most prolific.

Now several countries which are not going to be following the climate naysayers are Qatar, Nepal, and several small island nations which are sinking into the ocean.  A country does not all of a sudden get an entire year’s worth of rain in several hours unless there is a climate issue afoot.  A country does not have to worry about their glacier melts and new large lake formations causing a massive mudslide and wiping out a large portion of their population so soon after devastating earthquakes if there is no climate change.

So despite all the pomp and circumstance related to the President Obama and President Xi signing of the Bilateral Climate Change Agreement, this COP21 may be just as disappointing as COP20 Copenhagan…

Qatar orders inquiry after rain exposes construction flaws –

Lakes expanding ‘dangerously’ in Everest glacier –

COP21: Public support for tough climate deal ‘declines’ –