The Grinches of the Holidays

So I woke up this morning finally in the Christmas spirit even though I am coughing up and blowing out these wonderfully green and brown colored balls of muscus. I go off and then wander to the computer and find a great deal on shoes only to find that someone in NYC has a copy of my credit card and has been trying to buy things at Macy’s Tech Department in Elmhurst NYC, pay for parking on the street through the NYC muni-meter, went to Black and White in Long Island to purchase clothes. Meanwhile, these purchases were not made while I was actually in the country so that is good news for me. Only one of the purchases could have been remotely me but I shop in very specific locations, even if it is my favorite brand because I want customer service.

So Christmas shopping and cashing in on the deals this year so far sucks.

By the way, Skype in China is atrocious. For the life of me, I cannot keep anyone on the line because the internet keeps cutting out.

I am wondering if the pretender is back. Last time around this Chinese woman pretended to be me and took out a bank loan, opened a cell phone, and stole my credit cards to buy lots of things and then disappeared. Managed to find transactions for her in CA and TX but then she disappeared around the time they arrested those 54 Chinese people in NJ for credit card fraud and identity theft. I would put the link for the news story here but I have no access to the NYTimies so you need to look it up yourselves.

Current mood – Finding zen. You win some and you lose some. At least the credit card fraud system was good at Chase and they declined the charges before I even found out. Sometimes, bigger is better 🙂 So to all of you shopping away watch out. It turns out that they could copy your credit card without the original.  I  have had the original with me in China the whole time.
