The Republican Presidential Candidate Debate was Real Folks

For those of you who do not enough about the American Political Party Mascots, the Republicans are Elephants and the Democrats are Donkeys.  Now you know why the article below is so hysterical for those of us who like political debates.  If you saw the sorry state of the Republican Presidential Candidate Debates last night and the commentary the morning after – the comments are hysterically funny and scary all at the same time.  One of the guest speakers on Real Time With Bill Maher said it best, “These two figures are trying to out ignorant each other.  Worry about the make up and the sweat.  If the Republicans are suppose to be the adults in the room, I am scared of the insane asylum that has been revealed by their lack of maturity and they are proud of that they are unmolested by enlightenment.”

So aside from the political commentors, there are also Republican Party Members such as Lindsey Graham who have stated that the party is imploding with insanity and that Arizona senator Jeff Flake, posted a video of elephants charging him on Twitter, saying: “These elephants have no respect for a fellow Republican. No respect I tell ya.”

Elephants charge at US senator in Mozambique –

Current Mood:  Above says it all