RIP Justice Antonin Scalia

Justice Antonin Scalia was not the most liberal judge on the bench and he did believe in an “originalist” approach to determining court cases but he was just himself.  His belief in what he believed was correct and what was Constitutional may not have appealed to many but he has given the general public amazing quotes and law students very entertaining opinions to read.

I am very sad that he will no longer be making sarcastic comments and causing a ruckus in the media after the graduation speech rounds in May-June of every year.  However, it will be a very exciting legal period for those who follow U.S. Supreme Court rulings as there are so many cases which are going to most likely run down ideological lines.  The confirmation process is going to be really entertaining especially with this year’s upcoming Presidential nominations ongoing.

Antonin Scalia death: Obama pushes Senate over Scalia -seat

How Scalia’s death reshapes four Supreme Court cases –

Justice Antonin Scalia: In his own words –