2nd Amendment and Executive Orders – Oh My…

The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution passed in 1791 states the following: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

When I travel internationally, people seem to think that Americans are obsessed with guns.  As a reasonable and rational human being, I do not think that Americans are obsessed with guns as much as their right to carry a gun.

Obama considers unilateral action on US gun violence – http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-35211294

US gun control: What is the NRA and why is it so powerful? – http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-35261394

As a future member of the NRA I believe that Americans should keep the right to bear arms because of the following:

  1. The U.S. gained their independence from Great Britain partially because we had access to firearms.  If we had significant gun control way back when then King George’s Armies would have squashed the American Revolution in a heart beat.  You never know when we might need those guns again to overthrow a tyrant – especially with the current Presidential candidates…
  2. Guns do not actually kill people.  People kill people.  If we restricted all access to guns then those who insist on murdering people would just find a different weapon to use.  For example, the mass killings in the Chinese train stations last year were carried out by fanatics with knives.  Forty something people were injured and several died.  The death toll was just as many if not more than the San Bernadino, CA terrorist attack.
  3. Guns do not kill people.  People kill people.  Most of the guns which inflict death, fear, terrorist, and other criminal activities are the result of illegal guns.  A criminal cannot go off and buy a gun from a registered and legally operated gun business.  A criminal buys guns from the back of a car where the guns fell off a truck somewhere.

    Are you mad or criminal, asks US gun seller- http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-35229015

  4. Most Americans use guns in recreational activities which also bring enjoyment to the American public.  We do have a huge hunting culture in the U.S.  Many people, including me love Moose, Deer, Rabbit, and other tasty treats bought in through hunting.  I personally like to shoot skeet even though I am terrible at it.  None of those activities lead to mass shootings of people.  At most as Dick Cheney proved, you occasionally might shoot your friend in the butt with lots of turkey pellets and buckshot.  However, if you go hunting, you assume the risk of the sport and need to settle the issue between you and your hunting buddy if you accidentally shoot each other 😀

In Conclusion while I respect President Obama’s sense of frustration at the fact that guns kill so many people, I respectfully disagree with his notion that an Executive Order could solve the gun violence issues in the U.S.  You cannot account for crazy ever…