Beijing Security Warning – STEP Fail :(

U.S. Citizens who travel a lot are advised to be enrolled in the STEP program.  However, when the British and Chinese news report that I need to be concerned about a possible on terrorist threat in Beijing before I get an email from the U.S. State Department, I feel that my tax dollars have gone to poop.

Beijing security: ‘Possible threat to Westerners’ governments warn –

Now for those of you who are pissed off at the Virginia school district’s lesson plan is suppose to edumacate your children in geography and diversity, maybe this puts it all in perspective – No?

Seriously, I have to worry about getting blown up or attacked on foreign soil just because I want to go and drink and eat at a place which serves comfort food and you are upset that the school system was trying to teach your children that people in the Middle East use Arabic letters…

We are founded on the principle of freedom of religion.  Most of the first immigrants in our country were running away from persecution.  Maybe since it is the Christian Savior’s birthday, we should be a kinder and more generous to others?

I am pretty sure that nobody in the VA school system was trying to indoctrinate your kids into Islam.  Now run along and enjoy your Christmas and New Year Holidays.  Stop with this stupid foolishness.

Virginia schools shut in Islam calligraphy row
