Thanksgiving Food Post

I am a proud, meat-loving, American…

From science classes and studies, I realize that it costs more time, energy, and resources to grow those cows, lambs, goats, aquaculture seafood, rabbits, pigs, ducks, and geese for my satisfaction but for goodness sake, God(s) made those creatures so tasty that I would rather reduce my carbon footprint any other way than by eating less meat.  (I have reduced my carbon footprint immensely since arriving in China as I walk everywhere and no longer have a car).

So on that note, for Thanksgiving, I had the most wonderful turkey, bacon, cheese, tomato, pineapple, and mushroom pizza from a local campus pizza parlor.

Can eating less meat help reduce climate change? –

As for the North Koreans, I am pretty sure they are also as proud of their food heritage as my Korean friends have always had pretty heated discussions on who has the best kimchi – especially in Korea Town in Beijing.  What I did not know is that the South Korean Kimchi had already received the UNESCO status.  Who knew that the South Korean version of a thanksgiving tradition to serve food to the homeless was to make kimchi for the homeless?

North Korean kimchi put forward for Unesco award –

Mood Currently: Food, food, and more food.  Starving and no 24 hour food place here. Really want a Japanese Tuna Rice Ball like the one from the Wuhan University Cultural Fair.  Those Japanese girls were the nicest and they made awesome rice balls…