Give and You Shall Receive

Some of my family members and friends think that I am lucky and can do no wrong because I always seem to get what I want.  On the other hand, my brother thinks that I am too much like Mother Theresa, but not in a good way as saints usually die painful and miserably deaths – you can see we both went to Catholic school.  My mom told me that I am too stupidly nice to others and too many people take advantage of me.  My dad thinks that I am an idiot for being so idealistic and not charging everyone for the favors I do.

Frankly, I think that I receive quite a bit of awesome karma in the universe because I give way more than I receive.  If I was as selfish and as close minded as the rest, I would not be me and worst of all, I would be you.  Maybe being idealistic does not necessarily benefit my wallet or my status as much as those who believe in selfish practicality or self-preservation, but I like to think that I can succeed in this world just by being me.  I would like to think that being a good person counts for something and does not make me stupid.

I know that some of the professors on campus gripe about my stupidity, specifically in reference to my lack of brown nosing capabilities and inability to comprehend the necessity of backstabbing others.  However, I want to be me and not anyone else.  While what I am is incomprehensible to others, I don’t care because I am who I am and make no apologies for wanting to succeed on my own terms.

Frankly, I receive very little compared to what I give but life is good 😀