LGBT Rights Come to the US

Although I am teaching a basic American Constitutional Rights class at the law school here, I was asked not to discuss gay marriage and other similar cases during the class.  To respect the wished of the law school administration, I do not discuss my feelings on the issue within the classroom setting.  However, on my personal time and during meals outside of the classroom, I am going to be spouting my pro-LGBT rights views.

Seriously, why deny anyone the right to get married and adopt children?  More money for the divorce lawyers when things fail and in the mean time more people to take in children who need homes…   I know this is a cheeky way to view the world but honestly, people should be able to make their own choices and live with the consequences.

Nothing is perfect but as long as you are not hurting anyone else, why should you care who sleeps with who?

Utah Judge Reverses His Ruling on Lesbian Parents –