Cute Animal News

So we all know that it is time that I got back into the flow with the blog.  Now the weekly animal news is of course going up first because I miss Peanut due to the overflowing cuteness attack of geese flooding a road way in China and a picture of a Spicy Rabbit Head dish from Sichuan on my friend’s we chat moment.

From my adopted home province of Hubei – the BBC presents 1,300 geese wandering to the market along the GuangZhou expressway… Adorable to look at.  Sad for the geese who are going to market to be sold for a variety of reasons.  Sad for the farmer who does not have a choice but to herd his geese to market via the highway to save money.

Also from China – Decoding the Panda Language.  However, sometimes I wonder if the Chinese Government spends too much money on the Pandas versus its citizens.  If we spent as much time and effort researching the way and mannerisms people communicate with each other, maybe the world would be a better place?  Just saying…