Revisit Plastic Surgery and Brains

What can I say – seem to have this conversation every time someone falls in love and/or insists on romance and looks over substance.  Frankenstein versus Brains and Plastic Surgery.

I am always willing to date someone who is intelligent versus someone who is just pretty because I cannot grow a brain and implant that into someone who is physically attractive.  Frankly, only those who are not intelligent need to be physically amazing as they usually have nothing else to offer.

Would someone who is physically active and intelligent would be lovely as to decrease the number of health issues?  Yes, but not a requirement because I can hire a physical trainer and plastic surgeon to “fix” physical appearances but I cannot grow a new brain with all the characteristics that I wanted.

Am I skeptical about love? Yes.  Do I think that most people have some sort of parasitic relationship with each other? Yes.  Do I think that there are some people who have amazing symbiotic relationships? Yes, but they are few and far between.

It does not help that I need to read about legal cases at the Supreme Court level in multiple countries which refer to bridal prices and marriage cruelty divorces.

In Uganda, the Supreme Court has ruled that forcing women to return the “bride price” in divorce circumstances are unconstitutional.  Therefore, women can divorce without having to skimp and save in advance.  My questions is that if the bridal price is generally given to the wife’s family, why are the women responsible for returning it and not the family?

Uganda bride price refund outlawed by top judges

In India, there are Supreme Court cases where Indian Men have sought Divorce Through Marriage Cruelty Laws.  Some of the Indian men have gone to the Indian Supreme Court with the following reasons: 1) Party Pooper, 2) Too Much Sex, 3) Refusal to Serve his Friends Chai, 4) Wife has an Acne Problem, and 5) the Husband disapproves of his wife wearing pants…

Party girls and too much sex: Why some Indian men seek divorce

So why should I have faith in romance and marriages?