I learned lots of things about mosquitoes when I worked at the NYC Health Department during the West Niles Crisis. NONE of those tips have helped me so far.
1) I have stopped eating bananas and fruits as any sugary items end up in your sweat and apparently attract mosquitoes even more – bananas are the worst offenders.
2) I have stopped using any of those floral body sprays and perfumes. Certain scents are more noticeable for mosquitoes.
3) I have tried to avoid sleeping without the AC. The cold temperatures make mosquitoes less active.
All of these precautions has led me to still create the biggest mosquito I have seen. The bloody thing is really noticeable on my ceiling.
I currently have 5 bites from this apparently, very happily fed mosquito and they itch like crazy. So I have the biggest welts on my legs and toes.
Attempts at killing this thing also has come to no avail. Other than fumigating myself with poisonous levels of DEET and using all the Avon Skin So Soft Wipes which are amazing, I am stuck with this extremely arrogant and smug mosquito.
By the way this thing is sitting directly above my head. Unfortunately, the thing is too far away to kill with my stubby arms, despite the flailing. I thought about getting an electrified tennis racket but none of them were long enough.
It led to a significant clearing of all standing water in my office. I decided to water the plants in the surrounding offices with a pot of water a green plant was sitting in because I saw 4-5 instar stage mosquito larvae swimming happily about.