Let me take a selfie :D – Yes, that song…

I find the internet a wonderful place to share my thoughts on things but at the same time I think that it is filled with crap and unfortunately, examples of human stupidity due to the lack of functional brain power.  While I hate to say that any soft science study could be correct, you have to hand it to the people over at Yale who statistically found that people have grown less intelligent with the easier access to information which may or may not be true via the www, more gullible, and more vaine.

So in the US a man who is attempting to evade the police and an arrest warrant has taken to the internet to let the Lima Police Department know that his mugshot did not do the beauty queen justice and asked them to repost a better image of him in a potential get-away car 😀

US fugitive sends selfie to police after ‘terrible’ mugshot’http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-35284225

In India so far a Japanese tourist died after taking a selfie at the Taj Mahal, one Indian woman drowned along because the perfect selfie spot was at the edge of the stone barrier by the river, and her unfortunate good samaratin drowned trying to save her and her two friends.  In Russia there was a 21 year old who shot herself in the head while taking a selfie with a gun and several who electrocuted themselves on top of train cars.  In Spain a man was gored by a bull during the annual bull run.
In the past we had the Darwin Awards but now there are too many of these stories that there is no reason to give them out anymore – human stupidity is too common.

India Mumbai identifies ‘no selfie’ zones after woman dies http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-35289536 

Speaking of which, unfortunately, the internet promotes too many false stories that are unverified.  However, I do like the fact that the journalists who reported this story below as true recanted and also issued a statement that his newspaper has “failed Journalism 101.” Problem is that the negative newstories generate lots of hate and create ISIS like factions and these stories below cause people to doubt rape victims.

In South Africa, a girl made up a story about a friend who went missing, was raped, and then died.  Many people were supportive of the girl in the story.  Many people missed or misread the first line of the tweet which was “Story time.”  What was unfortuante was the girl actually linked the story to another twitter account and seemed to have posted on both which gave credence to the whole charade.

The Twitter murder that never happenedhttp://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-35263200

So what to do about people who cannot be bothered to fact check and spread these rumors?  Certainly never let them into positions of power or the aliens will kill us all if they ever come for a visit 😀  The irony is that the people who first supported the story then started leaving comments saying that the girl is a liar – problem is that the commentor was also gullible and lied when they re-reported everything as the truth on their own blogs and twitter accounts.

Current Mood:  Feeling better and the sinus seems to have recovered.  Getting back to the impish monkey phase.  But a little scared of the new year because I was told that the 36th year which coincides with your lunar calander zodiac is suppose to be a really terrible year for you 🙁
