I think that it is hysterical that every time something changes on campus, the foreigners and the locals think that I am the cause. I am definitely less of a rabblerauser in China because I don’t comprehend everything going on around me but I will always interfere if it is wrong. Apparently, I am still a rabblerauser – see there are somethings that even I cannot change 😀
The foreign professors were complaining about how on their walks to and from home, they often run into students and random other people having sex in the woods right next to their apartments. Apparently, some of the people involved in outdoor, woods-sex are butt naked when the American professors walk upon them BUT do not even stop, others stop, wait until they pass, and keep on going, an/or others start putting their clothes on.
Frankly, I think that having sex in the woods is gross as there is too much mud and too many people to walk upon you. Also, if the couple cannot gather enough pennies to pay for the love hotel across the street from campus then maybe you do not like each other enough to swap spit. But most of you already know that I am a prude and only naked when changing clothes and/or getting ready to shower. Obviously, people on campus do not share my sentiments.
What I think is hysterical is one of my friends on campus asked me if I was the one who made buildings and grounds go and trim the woods back. While I would have probably asked the university to do that if I was living next to the sex woods, I do not live in that part of campus so I did not. If you are all happy with walking on students and random others having sex within site of your apartments, then who am I to complain about it.
Needless to say, the sex woods pruning project was not my idea. I personally think that the area was just on the list of trees to winterize so the university got it taken care of. We shall see how long it is before the lovers return to now see-through woods. Frankly, I do not think that those who are having sex there care about others stumbling in on them so unfortunately, those poor professors are going to have to keep on dealing with that problem.
As I keep telling my students, although American tv and movies show sex all the time, most Americans are prudes. We will talk about sex in classes because of sex and health education but we prefer everything to be behind closed doors and out of sight.
Current Mood – Tired but still trying to figure out how to conclude my paper. Feeling stressed.