International Women’s Day 4: Skin Color

It is really sad that in this day and age people are so concerned about their skin color versus what really counts which is their personality and intelligence.  What I find it interesting is that while both men and women are discriminated against, women are generally discriminated against more – see both articles.  Men in both articles talk about how while they have it hard, their female counterparts have it worse.

While these campaigns are nice in terms of raising awareness, if they do not actually change people’s minds then overall the whole campaign is a failure.  Most importantly, the campaign needs to change the mindset of the women involved.  If you do not buy the whitening creams and use the shaded umbrellas, society has no choice but to adapt to your natural skin color.

What I do not understand is when people complain about:

  1. the fact that others treat them like crap because their skin is darker
  2. so then they buy into others warped sense of self by buying whitening products
  3. then they also help line other people’s pockets by buying products
  4. to illustrate even more “how you are not as good as those who are white.

#unfairandlovely: A new social campaign celebrates dark skin –

Why don’t they make shoes for black ballet dancers? –

Current Mood:  If you do not love yourself then nobody else can either.