There have been so many stories about women in the news regarding imagery, their roles in society, and their place in society. I do not think that this is largely due to International Women’s Day and its awareness through political promotion through agencies such as the United Nations. I believe that the increased reporting on women’s issues in general are due to coincidence and media economics.
I think that the role of women should always be well represented in the news as we do make up at least 50% of the world’s population – 51% if there is no practice of femicide due to cultural practices. Nature does seem to select for those “X” sperm…
What I disagree on is the need for a specific type of female imagery. Why should we all need to look the same way? Why can we not be fat, skinny, lanky, short, or in my case squat – as long as we are all healthy? Therefore, I think that is is ridiculous that we need to have skinny only or plus size only models. Frankly models should look like the average person because average people buy most of the clothes. You want to sell more clothes, let me see how I am going to look in them.
Plus Size Models are Unhealthy Says Edwina Currie–
I am glad that the UN has decided that text books are showing sexist images and realizing that educational materials are an important source of stereotypes. However, what are you going to do about this other than have people tweet examples of how their books are displaying sexist images? How are you going to educate those about these issues who do not have textbooks?
International Women’s Day: Sexism rife in textbooks, says Unesco –
Current Mood: Contemplating the need for better imagery in my own class. Need to show women and men engaging in tortious activities… I think that International Women’s Day should be a week long celebration instead.
Image courtesy of