Cyberstalking Terms, Lists, and Awareness

An issue near and dear to my heart due to personal experience.  Crazy stalkers are actually really common in the U.S. thanks to the increase in technology affordability and availability.  I find it interesting that most of the stories reported on cyberstalking and/or harrassers in the U.S. is usually someone who is educated and in a position of power.  For example see the head lawyer from the Netflix Documentary the Making of a Murderer or the Attorney who use to work in the DA’s office.  See one of the more recent cases where a former DA was using a girl’s naked photos to troll for men on the net – he did not even know the girl.

What I did not realize that this has become an international issue until I read the bbc news article and came to the UN Women’s report.  These articles should be required reading for all the people in law enforcement and also in schools.  I love how there is a large discussion on the need to validate a woman’s feelings that somethings is going on.  Most interesting is the fact that many women do not realize they are being stalked and when they do, people turn around and say how did you not know.  Most of the victims do not even know who their cyber attackers are and apparently there are even mobs of people who are really into some sort of outrage due to things as simple as a post to as bad as doctored revenge porn photos.

Well maybe things will get better. When I was in DC, this strange man had followed me for about a block or two before I realized that he was yelling my name – as usual I had my headphones on.  Only took them off to buy something from a street vendor.  The crazy many with a child in tow then said my name and I turned around and said, “Hi you know my name but I have no idea who you are.  Introduce yourself.”  This seemed to take him aback.  When I tried to report this to the DC police the female officer told me that next time I just need to call 911 when that happens.  Easier said than done when I generally don’t carry a cell phone 🙁  Also does not help me if the crazy attacks me while I call the cops.  (This was years ago).  However, he did seemed weirded out enough after that incident to leave me alone since i never saw him again.

Overall though, at least she seemed nice about it.  When I had spoken to someone in my local precient in NYC more recently about this guy that was harassing me, they asked me for proof which is completely unhelpful since I only had a journal for the days that he popped by at work and near my home and on the express bus once or twice.  Not sure what else I could have done as the whole point was this crazy dude was following me around and I did not know who he was.  (More recent).  After I did try to take a picture of him at my bus stop, he did leave me alone, so all was well.

Giving Names to Online Harrassment –

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