Are Monetary Penalties the Best Solution to Correct Bad Behavior?

So a friend and I were catching up and sharing many incidents of people being idiots – basically anyone in the assumption, judgmental, or racist categories needs to have their human cards revoked from the lack of using their noggin.  Seriously, we share 97% of our DNA with Chimps and I am convinced that the 3% which makes us different is the way we use our brains to think things logically through.  It is unfortunate that most people do not bother to use the 3%.  Frankly, those who do not use the remaining 3% are no better than those Chimps we visit at the zoos and maybe they belong in an exhibit right next to those Chimps.

Most of you know how I feel about the racists, judgmental, and asses who assume.  Most of you also realize that these days, I have joined the bandwagon of fining or penalizing in some way those who exhibit horrible behaviors as a result of law school.  While I was already a fully thinking and analyzing being before law school, the legal education system did teach me that my beliefs that people are inherently good, empathetic, and well-meaning were false.

My brother and dad experienced racism at Denny’s as well but of course they never did anything about it because they don’t believe that expressing their complaints to the people who are actually irritating them matter.  They would rather come home and tell all their family and friends about the racist incident at Denny’s.  Logically this makes no sense and frustrates me as why should my ears bleed because of someone else’s bad behavior?

Frankly, they should have complained to someone as their incident in Baltimore happened after the initial slew of law suits against Denny’s in the mid-90s through early 2000s.  Sorry no access to Westlaw or Lexis Nexis right now but I can find and upload the actual complaints and cases later…

Many of you also know that I am a Macy’s shopaholic.  Thankfully, I have never experienced any of these horrible incidents at Macy’s.  However, my friend was telling me about his friend’s detention, false accusation, consequential arrest, and pleading of guilt to the false accusation to be finished with this situation.  The problem with not fighting for your rights is that you lose them and are saddled with the consequences of other people’s idiocy.  Why should I accept someone else’s screw up and the resulting consequences while they walk away scott free and without a care in the world?  In the old days, I would not fight for something unless it was more than $1 because the lost change is not worth the time and effort.  Thanks to law school, I now fight over a penny and would be willing to go broke to prove a point.

So next time, if someone falsely accuses you, turn around and fight.  You might be in good company…